RMOC Annual Meeting
Columbine Public Library

ATTENDEES:  Bob Ellis (President), Doug Berling (Vice-President), Brooke
Mann (Secretary), Michael Rounds, John Crowther, Amy Winston, Carol
Johnson, Ken Lotze, Kris Beecroft, Chris Ray, Galen Moore, Troy Bozarth,
Brian Coleman


1.  Bob Ellis called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm.

2.  We approved the minutes from the 2013 annual meeting.

3.  President's Report from Bob Ellis.

	- Our national meet at Round Mountain was very successful in terms of
	logistics, courses, attendance, and financials.  We received very
	positive feedback and comments from attendees; see Kris's notes and
	- We've had a great season of local meets, CSOL meets, and Ski-Os.
	- Thank you to all the volunteers who have helped at our meets this
	- Our 2015 schedule is currently being drafted.
	- Bob is resigning after five years as RMOC President and moving to
	Estes Park.

4.  Vice-President's Report from Doug Berling.

	- The USFS report has been completed for 2014.  (This documents our
	attendance numbers and financials for meets where USFS permits were
	required.)  We have maintained a good working relationship with the
	USFS.  Sue Miller (Pikes Peak Ranger District) is our main point of
	contact, and she understands orienteering's low impact.
	- USFS's South Park environmental study could result in the
	possibility of five-year permits (instead of having to re-apply
	every year).

5.  Treasurer's Report from Sverre Froyen.

	- Bob delivered the report for Sverre, who is currently in Norway.
	- Sverre's report summarizes the amount of cash we currently have on
	hand, compared to 2013.
	- Highlights of this year's expenses include higher OUSA fees (due
	to an increased number of starts), new SportIdent e-punch software,
	and CSOL trophies and medals.
	- Upcoming expenses include USFS permit fees, OUSA annual charter
	fees (primarily for insurance), Camp Alexander mapping (Steve
	Willman), and Observatory mapping updates (Mikell Platt).

6.  Secretary's Report from Brooke Mann.

	- Brooke summarized our year-over-year membership numbers.
	- Brooke also summarized our year-over-year meet totals and
	attendance totals.
	- For 2015, Brooke will add vehicle information to our membership
	database and pre-printed start cards, to expedite check-in at
	our local meets.

7.  Colorado Scholastic Orienteering League (CSOL) Update.

	- Bob and Kris have set tentative CSOL meet dates for 2015.
	- Leif Anderson is moving to Iceland, so we will need a new CSOL
	- We discussed the idea of special Junior Training for CSOL
	participants.  Suggested leaders:  Terri Chawla, Tom Bagby, Dennis
	Carney, and Erin Schirm (OUSA Junior Coach).

8.  Elections.

	- Doug was reelected as Vice-President.
	- Brooke was reelected as Secretary.
	- Based on what we agreed to in 2013 and in accordance with our
	bylaws, Bob is transferring the role of President to Kris Beecroft
	for the second year of his two-year term.  The RMOC Board
	members approved this.

9.  Mapping Discussion.

	- Steve Willman recently completed our new map at Camp Alexander
	(near Lake George).
	- For OCAD software, we currently have three standard licenses and
	one pro license.
	- Open Orienteering Mapper (OOM) is not as robust as OCAD, but it's
	suitable for creating park maps.
	- Kris suggested that we should have a digital map library with
	check-in / check-out and version control capabilities.  We also
	need to establish naming conventions (date, mapper initials, etc.).
	- We have LiDAR data for the Tahosa scout camp near Ward.  OCAD can
	read LiDAR data and convert it to contours.
	- Kris reported that the Round Mountain and Badger Gulch maps have
	been combined into one unified OCAD file.
	- The Kelly Dahl map has had vegetation updates to reflect recent
	clear-cutting, but the trails need to be updated.
	- We completed a partial update of Bear Creek Lake Park; perhaps
	Plamen Djambazov or Mikell Platt can finish the updates that still
	need to be made.
	- Should we create a map at Staunton State Park?  It may be too
	steep, without enough of a trail network.

10. Training Proposal.

	- John Crowther and Amy Winston proposed the idea of hosting
	monthly orienteering training events.
	- Amy would be the general training coordinator, and a different
	person would lead the training each month.
	- Training idea sources:  Chuck Ferguson's book, Berman exercises,
	the "Discover Orienteering" e-book, etc.
	- Some training sessions would be focused on beginner and
	intermediate orienteers, while others would be for more advanced
	- Social option / dinner afterwards.
	- Everybody liked this idea.

11. Permanent Course Proposal.

	- Chris Ray talked about his idea for a permanent course in Parker.
	- He has LiDAR data and satellite imagery (free from the Town of
	Parker), but he needs technical guidance on how to convert that data
	into OCAD.
	- Chris has started on field work.

12. General Discussion.

	- Ken suggested an event with a Hunger Games tie-in.
	- Tom should check the Denver Zombie Crawl event date to coordinate
	with (or advertise for) the ZombiePocalype event.
	- Kris would like to implement an express check-in line at more
	meets in 2015 (for participants who have an online waiver and are
	- Brian Coleman wants RMOC to host the 2015 US ARDF Championships
	in August.  The Meet Director is TBD (someone from LAOC).  Brian
	would be the primary RMOC coordinator.  Key volunteers would need
	to be identified first.

12. Meeting adjourned at 3:45 pm.
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