2016 Rocky Mountain Orienteering Festival
- June 29 - July 1: Laramie Daze
- July 2 - July 4: National Event Classic Days
RMOF Planning Meeting
6/14/2016 — 8:00 pm - 9:45 pm
Kris Beecroft
Doug Berling
Kathleen Brennan
John Crowther
Sverre Froyen
Brooke Mann
Mikell Platt
Amy Winston
Kris Beecroft
Doug Berling
Kathleen Brennan
John Crowther
Sverre Froyen
Brooke Mann
Mikell Platt
Amy Winston
A. Dinner:
* Sverre reported on the current total number of registrations and the meat/veggie breakdown for the dinner. Kathleen reported that dinner orders can continue through the final registration deadline on 6/24.
* Sverre will send Kathleen a list of dinner attendees (with ph# and email address), so she can recruit helpers to set up for the dinner. (Kathleen is having knee replacement surgery tomorrow!)
B. T-Shirts:
* We have 47 t-shirt orders so far.
* Sverre will send Amy the size breakdown just after noon on 6/15. Also, Kris will add in some extras for volunteer t-shirts (cross-referencing against volunteers who have already ordered t-shirts). The vendor's hard deadline for getting our order in is 5pm on 6/15.
* Sverre will cut off t-shirt orders at noon on 6/15; Brooke will post a reminder about this early t-shirt order deadline (via email, Attackpoint & Facebook).
* Amy will put the t-shirt order on her credit card, and then Sverre will reimburse her.
C. Start Times:
* Sverre proposed a two-minute start interval and four open slots per hour. We agreed.
D. Meet Notes:
* We will tell people to print their own information from the web site. Sverre will send an email about this to all registered attendees (Kris will send Sverre a reminder email about doing this).
E. Registration / Packets:
* Bibs: Doug put 200 bibs (#1-#200) on a shelf in the storage unit; Sverre will pick them up.
* Dinner Tickets: Sverre will create and print dinner tickets to put in the packets, indicating "meat" or "veggie".
* Packet Assembly: Sverre and a friend will do this.
* SportIdent Rentals: Brooke will send Sverre the list of rental sticks to pre-assign; rental sticks will go in the packets; Sverre will pick up the sticks from our storage unit.
* Refunds: No refunds for no-shows -- unless they have a really good excuse.
* Packet Pick-up: Amy volunteered staff the packet pick-up table on Friday afternoon / evening if we have a place to do it. Sverre will be staying at Hilton Garden Inn, arriving on Friday afternoon with a friend who can also help. Kathleen will call Hilton to ask for a room or corner of the lobby for us to use for packet pick, from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm on Friday, 7/1.
* Sverre and Kris will handle packet handout on Friday morning at the Laramie Daze site, along with t-shirts (which Amy will be bringing up on Thursday afternoon); then they will bring the box of packets to the Hilton for afternoon / evening packet pick-up.
* All registration changes need to be reported to John for OE2010 software updates -- course, class, SI#, start time, etc.
F. Course Setting Update from Mikell:
* Laramie Daze: Mikell has printed maps based on current pre-registration estimates. He may need more bibs if we get more than 80 for the relay. Brooke will mail extra bibs and punch cards to Mikell on 6/15.
* Day 1 -- Graham is working on final updates; he'll be back in town on 6/16; no issues anticipated.
* Day 2 -- Neal plans to finalize his courses on 6/15.
* Day 3 -- Joel is 100% finished, and Doug has the OCAD files for printing.
G. Map Printing:
* Doug will try to fit the RMOC and RMOF logos on the maps.
* Doug will go to Hansen Brothers for the first print run.
* Doug will print all-control maps for control pick-up.
* Doug will also print the separate clue sheets (clue sheets will not be put in packets, but will be available at the start area prior to call-up). * Doug will deliver maps when he arrives in Laramie on Wednesday afternoon, 6/29.
* Map cases will not be sealed.
H. Meet Equipment:
* Doug will bring everything (except for controls) — both tents (for start & snacks), table, chairs, finish banner & poles/stakes, map boxes, etc.
I. Controls:
* Kris will bring the controls (it doesn't make sense for Graham to drive from Greeley down to Denver and then back to Laramie...), and also all of the e-punch boxes from John.
* Doug reported that we have 105 stands (maybe 110, but a few need to be fixed and a few are short ones).
* We may need to pull Day 1 White & Yellow stands to use on Day 2.
* Total control counts:
- Graham: 44 (SI boxes #31-79)
- Neal: 57 (SI boxes #101-175)
- Joel: 47 (SI boxes #31-79)
- Neal: 57 (SI boxes #101-175)
- Joel: 47 (SI boxes #31-79)
* We will also need stands for:
- Start x 2
- Clear x 2
- Check x 2
- Finish x 2
- Clear x 2
- Check x 2
- Finish x 2
J. E-Punch Boxes:
* We have 75 from OUSA (#101-175), 46 from RMOC (#31-76), and 20 from DPS (#1-20, John will recode them as #77-97).
* John will make a third Start box as a backup.
K. E-Punch:
* John & Chris Silva will swap early/late start times.
* Course setters (Graham / Neal / Joel) need to send final XML course files to John no later than 6/24.
* Sverre needs to send start-list files to John no later than 6/27.
* John will make the font very big for the results sheets.
* Doug will check on renting a van to use for the e-punch crew, either in Denver, Laramie, or Cheyenne. Maybe a U-Haul van?
* We'll need a volunteer to hang results. Do we also need a volunteer to write down bib numbers and times at the finish?
* Sverre asked if can we set up a web server and wireless access point for people to look at results on their cell phones. John will check.
L. Awards:
* Kris has five boxes of pottery from Sheryl.
* Brooke will make labels for the awards:
- Overall Three-Day Combined Time: 1st-2nd-3rd
- WSC: 1st only
- WSC: 1st only
M. Toilet Numbers:
* We'll need to guesstimate requirements based on attendance, configurable by day and by site.
* Keep in mind that it's Fourth of July weekend, the units will be put out ahead of time, and other people will be using them...
* Mikell already has a location map and directions ready for the portapotty guy.
N. Mapper's Notes: Mikell will send notes to Brooke & Kris for posting on the web site.
O. Snacks: Bananas & oranges. Pretzels @ Costco. Brooke will do this.
P. Water for Finish:
* Kris will talk to Simon about getting extra water for the finish.
* Doug reports we have six packets of Vitalyte in the storage unit. Kris will confirm with Craig that he's ordering more.
Q. Miscellaneous: Brooke will ask attendees to bring two-way radios for meet staff.