2018 Rocky Mountain Orienteering Festival

Planning Meeting
4/25/2018 — 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
* Doug Berling
* Mikell Platt
* Kathleen Brennan
* Sverre Froyen
* John Crowther
* Amy Winston
* Brooke Mann

Start Time Decisions:

* Wed 3pm assembly; 4pm mass start; 6pm course closure.
* Thu 10am mass start; 12pm course closure.
* Fri 9am; courses close at 2pm.
* Sat 9am; courses close at 2pm.
* Sun 9am; courses close at 2pm.
* Mon 9am; courses close at 2pm.

Meet Fees: We decided on meet fees based on OUSA sanctioning costs and the fees at other recent national events.

OUSA Annual General Meeting: AGM will be on Saturday afternoon (3:30 pm?); Brooke has contacted Kris to confirm details for web site.

Updates from Kathleen: The dinner will be on Saturday, 9/1/2018, at the Laramie Rec Center (reserved at 4:00 pm for setup, dinner at 5:30 pm, out by 8:00 pm). Kathleen has paid the room reservation fee and has been reimbursed by Sverre. The dinner will be catered by the same restaurant we used in 2016, with the same delicious menu (meat / veggie lasagna, salad, tea & water, cookies & brownies, etc.). Planning for 70 attendees (we had 70 in 2016); room maxes out at 80. Price per person is TBD (food + room rental + decor). Goal is to break even, not necessarily to make a profit.

Packet Pickup: Thursday evening; location & specific hours TBD. Amy & John will be arriving later on Thursday with t-shirts (or hats or whatever), or can maybe give the items to someone else to bring up earlier. Sverre & Brooke will manage packet pickup.

Doug has confirmed the following volunteers:

* Registrar -- Sverre Froyen
* Start Chief -- Dennis Carney
* E-Punch Chief -- John Crowther
* Setters & Vetters
* General -- Lynn Aldrich (NMO) & Steve Willman
* Snacks -- Brooke Mann
* Water -- TBD

Registration Deadlines:

* Wednesday, August 15th -- regular reg deadline
* Friday, August 24th -- late reg deadline

Registration Details:

* Sverre will generate start times.
* Sverre will send OE2010 files to John by Tuesday, 8/28.
* Brooke will generate labels and help Sverre with packet assembly, if needed.


* Easy to borrow e-punch units; not so easy to borrow stands.
* We have 100+ stands, but some need repairs. Buy 20 more?
* Maybe PTOC or NMO can loan equipment to us. Or LAOC, NTOA, GAOC? Doug will contact Dick Neuberger (PTOC); John will contact GAOC & NTOA.
* Equipment would be needed by 8/24 so John can program the units and get them out to course setters.
* Sverre & John will aim to have live results / local web server again.

Western States Championships:

* Overall winner in each age group based on best 2 of 3 on Classic days (Sat-Sun-Mon).
* Sverre will consult other clubs for established scoring algorithms.
* Brooke has asked Sergey to confirm WSC requirements.

T-Shirt / Hat / Buff: We agreed we all have too many race shirts... Hat or buff instead (one size fits all)? Amy will (a) research prices on running-specific hats, and (b) follow-up with Jason Poole about updating our event logo (2016 --> 2018, modified design for smaller dimensions?).

Volunteer Appreciation:

* Free entry for major roles (Meet Director, Registrar, Start Chief, E-Punch Chief, Setters, Vetters).
* Discount to volunteers in secondary roles, perhaps 25% off per day? TBD. (Start Crew, Finish Crew, Webmaster, Dinner Coordinator, Hat / Buff Coordinator, Snacks, Water).
* Free t-shirt or hat to volunteers?


* OUSA sanctioning approved.
* OUSA course consultant TBD.


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