Rocky Mountain Orienteering Club Annual Meeting
November 10, 2018
Westminster Recreation Center, Westminster, CO
Participants: Doug Berling (President), Galen Moore (Vice President), Sverre Froyen (Treasurer), B. Brooke Mann (Secretary), Graham Baird, Neal Barlow, Berzelius Family, Kathleen Brennan, Brian Coleman, Sharon Crawford, John Crowther, Maja Joergensen, Craig Murray, Michael Rounds, Mark Stuemky, and Amy Winston.
A. Call to Order. President Doug Berling called the meeting to order at 1:15 pm.
B. President's Report (Doug Berling).
- Thank you to Kathleen Brennan for coordinating today's meeting room and catered lunch.
- Today's Score-O winners were Graham Baird (male), Sandra Berzelius (female), and Lova Berzelius (junior). Brooke will post the PDF version of today's map/course and clue sheet (here). Doug plans to continue working on the map of Broomfield Commons.
- Construction will be ongoing at Chatfield State Park at least through May 2019; this may affect our 2019 event schedule.
C. Vice-President's Report (Galen Moore).
- 2018 Permits:
- Permitting processes went smoothly with all land owners.
- Use of the semi-developed camping adjacent to the Manitou map went well. Galen recommends that the incoming VP reserve the campground ASAP if we plan to have a similar two-day event in for 2019.
- Galen reserved snow dates for a few of our early season meets, but none were required.
- Cherry Creek State Park stepped up enforcement of signage rules that had not be enforced previously.
- 2018 CSOL Awards:
- To minimize over-buying and shipping costs, Galen researched local trophy vendors. All were 2-5x as expensive as our existing ‘factory' vendor.
- Galen split our trophy order into two, one covering the first two meets and one covering the last two plus the championships. Since championship qualification requires participation in a minimum of three meets, by that point some awards would have no qualifiers. Galen purchased awards and components as needed to complete potential needs for the balance of the CSOL season.
- Total cost was about $250, including re-stocking our supply of ribbons.
- Award costs for 2019 will be higher, as there are few trophies/parts left to re-use.
D. Treasurer's Report (Sverre Froyen).
- Sverre reviewed the club's finances – net worth 2013-2018, 2018 income & expense by category, 2018 national event details, and 2018 local meet details.
- Sverre made the point that, since we usually just break even (or lose a bit of money) on our local meets, we have to host national events (and other large events such as the Zombie meet and ARDF championship) to add to our coffers for mapping, new equipment, etc.
E. Secretary's Report (Brooke Mann). Brooke presented statistics for 2018 membership and meet attendance.
F. Volunteer Recognition.
- Doug recognized the 2018 volunteers who filled the most demanding roles – Course Setter, E-Punch Coordinator, Meet Equipment, and Meet Director.He also recognized the course setters for our 2018 national event – Joe Burkhead, Neal Barlow, and Graham Baird.
- Doug gave a special mention to Neal Barlow for his volunteer efforts in 2018:course setter for three local meets, organizer of a two-day course setting workshop, and course setter for our RMOC/LROC national event in Laramie.
- As a token of appreciation for all of his work supporting RMOC over many years, Sharon Crawford presented Doug with a beautiful handmade blanket – photo here.
G. Elections.
- Jim Baker was elected to a two-term as Vice President.
- Brooke Mann was elected to a two-year term as Secretary.
H. General Discussion.
- We discussed some possible changes to local meet fees but did not make any decisions.
- Brian Coleman talked about plans for permanent courses.
- Jim Baker is working on a new map of Cheyenne Mountain State Park.
- If we want to co-host the Zombie meet again (a good money maker for the club), we would need to find a meet director & course setter to replace Tom Bagby.
- Maiya Anderson has reported to Doug that the USAFA Land Navigation area is open to public access again.Someone characterized the area as "OK" (wooded, rocky & steep) and not quite as nice as Fox Run, but it's always good to have a new (renewed) area for orienteering.
- We discussed the possibilities for a 2020 National Ranking Event (NRE) Some feel that we would need a new map to make the event worthwhile. Ideas:
- expand our Rainbow Falls map (base map exists, but there are access & parking issues);
- expand the Camp Tahosa map (multiple land managers make it complicated – USFS, Boulder County, State, private property; not great for running – too much slash);
- expand our Buena Vista map to connect to the KOA / Big Sandy map;
- YMCA of the Rockies;
- Saylor Park (parking issues / shuttle required?);
- the area south of Camp Alexander (but, no amenities out there);
- Florissant.
- Doug reported that we have an adequate number of e-punch units for our local events; we can borrow or cheaply rent additional units for NREs.
I. Topics tabled for a future meeting:
- Meet fees.
- Permanent courses -- Brian Coleman.
- Repairing / replacing meet equipment -- Amy Winston.
- OUSA free NRE day -- Galen.
- GPS unit ($2K) – Sverre Froyen.