Rocky Mountain Orienteering Club Annual Meeting
November 4, 2017
Columbine Library, Littleton, CO
Participants: Doug Berling (President), Galen Moore (Vice President), Sverre Froyen (Treasurer), B. Brooke Mann (Secretary), Troy Bozarth, Senia Bozova, Graham Baird, Neal Barlow, Berzelius Family, Kathleen Brennan, Terri Chawla, Brian Coleman, Sharon Crawford, Maja Joergensen, Amanda Jonasson, Nora Lund, Craig Murray, Valerie Murray, Ellen Rosenkvist, Michael Rounds, Becky Ruttenberg, Cindy Shellito, Nelson Tamplin, Dmitriy Zamoshchin, Yelena Zamoshchina.
A. Call to Order. President Doug Berling called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm, and we approved the 2016 meeting minutes.
B. President's Report (Doug Berling).
- Thank you to Kathleen Brennan for coordinating today's meeting room and catered lunch.
- Doug gave an overview of our 2017 meet highlights, including two workshops. The Parker permanent courses needs updates. We're planning a six-day event in Laramie for 2018 (three informal "Laramie Daze" events, and three National Ranking Events). Our 2018 schedule is a work in progress; we'll having fewer local meets leading into the Laramie meet. Volunteers are badly needed for next year, for local meets and the Laramie event.
C. Vice-President's Report (Galen Moore).
- Galen provided the following update about 2017 permits:
- Things went smoothly with the State Parks, Bear Creek Lake Park, and JeffCo.
- First time permitting and use of Mueller State Park for a trail-based event.
- Use of the Frisco map now requires both a USFS permit and a Town of Frisco permit, the latter requiring final maps at an inconveniently early date for Town review of unspecified area use requirements.
- We cancelled the Frisco meet and held the re-scheduled and expanded Manitou meet on the planned Frisco date. USFS was cooperative in letting us swap meet dates and in allowing us to conduct a Night-O race at Manitou.
- Things went very well with the USFS this year except for the USFS’s failure to read the detail about Start/Finish and parking locations for the longer runs on the Glen Aspen Ranch meet. The USFS revoked that part of our permit days before the meet. Jim Baker, as Course Setter, very nicely adapted the smaller BSA (non-USFS) property to suit longer courses.
- Galen provided the following update about his 2018 permit plans:
- Training Events -- In support of the interest in holding low-infrastructure training meets without permits (headcount limited, no fees, no controls, no formal timing or scoring, etc.), I have contacted our landowners and summarized their various permit threshold requirements. With limitations, and at a small portion of our usual places, such training meets will generally be possible. My recommendation, however, is that we formally schedule and request permits for the bulk of any training sessions we want to conduct.
- I will request backup weather dates in our permits for all CSOL meets and for other early and late season meets subject to weather risk as identified and tentatively scheduled by the President.
- Beginning as early as Summer 2019, fuels management (tree thinning) work in the northeast area of our Round Mountain map will result in large areas of considerably more open forest.
D. Treasurer's Report (Sverre Froyen).
- Sverre reviewed the club's finances – net worth 2013-2017, 2017 income & expense by category, and 2017 local meet details.
- We may need to revamp our meet fee structure, given that we lose money or only break even on most of our local meets. RMOC's fees haven't been raised in 10 years.
E. Secretary's Report (Brooke Mann). Brooke presented statistics for 2017 membership and meet attendance. As of November 2017, our total number of active members was at a nine-year high (275). Brooke also presented marketing plans (current & future).
F. Volunteer & Member Recognition.
- Kathleen recognized the 2018 volunteers who filled the most demanding roles -- Course Setter, E-Punch Coordinator, Meet Equipment, and Meet Director -- as well as all the other roles -- registration, beginner instruction, starts, control pickup, etc.
- Doug gave out some "special" awards:
- Most controls on the smallest map -- Jim Baker / Camp Elim.
- Best "ultra long" disguised as a classic course -- Michael Rounds / Camp Tahosa.
- Course setter for most consecutive years -- Sharon Crawford / Frisco Ski-O (since 1997!).
- Most corn maze wins -- Graham Baird (one 1st, two 2nds, three 3rds, and one 6th) and Troy Bozarth (three 1sts, three 2nds, and one 3rd). - Gøril S. Jones was recognized as our 2017 Volunteer of the Year, for her work on our club jerseys. Thank you, Gøril!!!
- Doug also gave special recognition to Jim Baker. Jim's new maps and new events accounted for almost 20% of our starts this year.
G. Elections.
- Doug Berling was elected to a two-term as President.
- Sverre Froyen was elected to a two-year term as Treasurer.
H. Colorado Scholastic Orienteering League. Galen provided the following updates:
- Awards:
- Buying a full set of trophies cost the club $663 for 2017.
- Roughly 45% of trophies were not awarded due to lack of participation across the full range of classes and one cancelled event.
- In order to avoid both shipping charges ($166) and the cost of over-buying awards in 2018, I plan to: (a) Identify a local awards business to supply our CSOL trophies and ribbons (to eliminate shipping costs). (b) Order trophies on a “Just-in-Time” basis so that we buy only what we expect to give out. This is most relevant for the overall season awards.
- Scoring: I wrote a piece of code in the open-source statistical programming language "R" that accepts raw OE2010 results data and generates a simple text report showing who gets what award for each category. It's not particularly user friendly, but it's fast and it works.
- Outreach: Leif Anderson is willing to assist remotely (emails & phone calls to recruit new school groups, CSOL Facebook page administrator).
I. 2018 Schedule. Doug gave an overview of his plans for 2018 ski & snowshoe meets, CSOL meets, regular local meets, and the RMOC/LROC national event (8/29 - 9/3/2018).
J. Mapping Update. JP Lande is new our Mapping Coordinator (the role formerly held by Kris Beecroft). Brian Coleman continues as our OCAD Liaison & Digital Data Expert. Michael Rounds is maintaining our OCAD map repository.