Rocky Mountain Orienteering Club Annual Meeting
November 9, 2019
BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse, Westminster, CO

Participants: Doug Berling (President), Sverre Froyen (Treasurer), B. Brooke Mann (Secretary), Maiya Anderson, Graham Baird, Neal Barlow, Senia Bozova, Kathleen Brennan, Alex Bromfield, Brian Coleman, Sharon Crawford, Will Dickinson, Sarah Ginsbach, Jakobson Family, Jeremy Mollison, Galen Moore, Cindy Shellito, Mark Stuemky, Nelson Tamplin, and Jieyi Zhou, Philip Zurek.


A. Call to Order.  President Doug Berling called the meeting to order at 1:15 pm.

B. President's Report (Doug Berling).

  1. Thank you to Kathleen Brennan for coordinating today's meeting and lunch!
  2. Yves Nager re-created our Frisco map and updated our Camp Tahosa map.
  3. We have new beginner-friendly permanent courses nearing completion at East Lake (Thornton) and Broomfield Commons.
  4. Jim Baker completed a new map at Cheyenne Mountain State Park, and we had our first meet there in April. We had plans to expand this map, but there may be too many rattlesnakes
  5. John Crowther created a new Sprint map at Inspriation Point in Denver.
  6. Doug created new maps at Maloit Park (Minturn) and Manitou Springs Middle School.
  7. Road & bridge construction is nearing completion at Chatfield State Park, so we should be able to have an event there in 2020.
  8. Doug is working on our 2020 schedule. Please contact him if you can volunteer as a course setter.

C. Vice-President's Report (Jim Baker).

  1. Doug reported on Jim's behalf: state park, USFS, and other permitting went smoothly this year. The Frisco event is difficult to coordinate, since it requires permits from three entities.
  2. Jim is resigning from his position as VP. Doug thanked him for his mapping and permitting work for the past year.

D. Treasurer's Report (Sverre Froyen).

  1. Sverre reviewed the club's finances – net worth 2013-2019, 2019 income & expense by category, and 2019 local meet details.
  2. Overall, RMOC is in good shape financially.

E. Secretary's Report (Brooke Mann).  Brooke presented statistics for 2019 membership and meet attendance. Brooke implemented an online volunteer signup sheet that seems to be working well, and she also created a new RMOC brochure. YahooGroups is shutting down most of its features in December, so we'll need to find a replacement service for our email updates. Mark Stuemky recommended "".

F. Volunteer Recognition.

  1. Doug recognized our 2019 Course Setters, our most critical volunteer role: Jim Baker, Neal Barlow, Sharon Crawford, John Crowther, Sverre Froyen, Gøril S. Jones, JP Lande, Galen Moore, Craig Murray, and Michael Rounds (and Doug!). Doug also extended a thank you to Mikell Platt for setting courses for two training weekends in Laramie.
  2. We recognized Mark Stuemky as our 2019 Volunteer of the Year. Mark stepped up to help with E-Punch at several meets, he hauled equipment, and helped with control pickup several times. Thank you, Mark!
  3. We also recognized Galen Moore for arranging the e-punch training workshop.

G. Elections.

  1. Doug Berling was elected to a two-year term as President.
  2. Senia Bozova was elected to a one-year term as Vice President (filling out the rest of Jim Baker's term).
  3. Duncan Browne was elected to a two-year term as Treasurer.

H. 2020 Schedule.

  1. Doug is starting on the 2020 schedule; contact him if you can volunteer as a Course Setter.
  2. The 10-day BAOC / NAOC event will be difficult to schedule around (July 21 - August 2, 2020).
  3. For our Buena Vista weekend, Neal suggested that we have a Saturday morning or afternoon event at Big Sandy / KOA, in addition to our usual Saturday night & Sunday events.
  4. Neal has some training ideas for next year -- potentially over Memorial Day weekend (May 23-24, 2020), maybe at Lake George or Blue Mountain.
  5. RMOC and LROC will be hosting a six-day event in Laramie, leading into Labor Day (9/2 - 9/7/2020). The meet will include three informal events, and three National Ranking Events.

I. Mapping.

  1. Doug considered a Buena Vista map expansion, but there are limited roads into the potential new area (and they're rough 4WD roads).
  2. Maiya suggests the Jack's Valley area at USAFA. Access has reopened and she has lidar data.
  3. Doug would like to update / re-do our Black Forest map.

J. General Discussion.

  1. Galen suggested discontinuing CSOL due to low participation.
  2. Galen suggested that we re-visit our meet fees (something we considered in 2017 and 2018 but didn't reach any decisions about...).
  3. Neal agreed to lead a committee to identify two or three candidate areas to map for a 2022 national championship event.
  4. Brian mentioned the iOrienteering app that scans Q-codes and uploads results.
  5. Several people asked about MTB-O. We don't have any specialized MTB-O maps, although we sometimes offer a MTB course at Frisco. Peaceful Valley would be a great MTB-O location, since it has a good trail network and it's not steep or technical. Sarah might be able to get map boards at a discount for RMOC to loan out.
  6. Jieyi and Will have volunteered to overhaul the RMOC website.
  7. Jieyi asked about jerseys. We need a minimum order of ten items; Brooke will start an interest list, and we'll most likely re-order in the spring just before our 2020 season starts.
  8. We approved last year's meeting minutes.
  9. We adjourned the meeting at 2:11 pm.
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