Rocky Mountain Orienteering Club Annual Meeting
November 13, 2021
Broomfield Community Center, Broomfield, CO

Participants: Doug Berling (President), Senia Bozova (Vice President), Duncan Browne (Treasurer), B. Brooke Mann (Secretary), Graham Baird, Neal Barlow, Troy Bozarth, Kris Beecroft, Kathleen Brennan, Sverre Froyen, Jody Handerson, Gøril S. Jones, JP Lande, Jeremy Mollison, Galen Moore, Geoff Murphy, Michael Rounds, Chuck Scholpp, Katrina Weinmann, Ellen Zheng, Jieyi Zhou.


A. Call to Order.  President Doug Berling called the meeting to order at 12:45 pm.  He thanked Sverre Froyen for creating today's map and course, and Kathleen Brennan for coordinating today's meeting room and lunch.  We approved the 2019 meeting minutes.

B. President's Report (Doug Berling).

  1. We weren't able to schedule many events earlier in the year because land managers weren't issuing permits (due to COVID).  We were able to resume a somewhat more normal schedule as of July, and Doug expects a mostly back-to-normal schedule in 2022.
  2. USFS permits were handled smoothly (although with some delays from the USFS side).  We have an ongoing good working relationship with the land manager for Fox Run Regional Park (and the Rocky Mountain State Games organizers).  JeffCo Open Space imposed a ten-car limit for White Ranch, so we weren't able to hold an event with that restriction.  Doug noted that parking is a concern at most JeffCo Open Space parks.
  3. We may resume our Ski-O events at Frisco Nordic Center, Snow Mountain Ranch, and Devil's Thumb Ranch in 2022, if we can get permits.  The weekend parking situation at Eldora has made that event untenable, but we could possibly do something in conjunction with Eldora's Wednesday-night "Nighthawks" race series.
  4. Over the winter, Doug plans to repair some e-punch equipment and replace some of the worn-out control flags.

C. Vice-President's Report (Senia Bozova).

  1. Senia confirmed what Doug mentioned about permits, and also reported that the associated USFS permit fees have been paid.  She also reported that the permit for Cheyenne Mountain State Park was one of the easiest to obtain.

D. Treasurer's Report (Duncan Browne).

  1. Duncan reviewed the club's finances – cash balance, cash flow, and individual meet details.  We had a net loss in 2020 (see item D-5 below), and we were barely positive for 2021.  [Report PDF Pending]
  2. Note that each year's OUSA charter fees are based on the previous year's start counts, so our 2020 charter fee is large in spite of only having one event in 2020.
  3. Duncan will double-check the Manitou meet fee details.
  4. Doug noted that we split Fox Run net proceeds 50/50 with the RMSG organizers, and some of those fees are still outstanding.
  5. Senia confirmed that the USFS fees we paid in anticipation of 2020 meets were not refunded by USFS.
  6. Sverre (former Treasurer) noted that our Denver-metro events usually attract the most attendance and revenue for local meets (e.g. Bear Creek Lake Park, Chatfield State Park, and Cherry Creek State Park, none of which occurred in 2021); events that are farther afield have fewer participants and less revenue (e.g. Manitou).  National ranking events (NREs) generate the most revenue for the club, regardless of location.

E. Secretary's Report (Brooke Mann).

  1. Brooke presented statistics for 2021 membership and meet attendance. [Report PDF]
  2. Brooke also reported the the online volunteer signup sheet seems to be working well (Doug concurred), and that we transitioned from YahooGroups to in late 2019 / early 2020 (when YahooGroups shut down).

F. Volunteer Recognition.

  1. Doug recognized our 2021 mappers and course setters, our most critical volunteer role: Jim Baker, Neal Barlow, Galen Moore, and Neal Barlow (and also Doug!).
  2. Doug recognized Jieyi Zhou and Galen Moore for their volunteer efforts in 2021.  Jieyi has jumped in to learn the e-punch software, helping at each of our 2021 meets.  Galen has undertaken mapping and course-setting work at several locations.  Thank you, Jieyi and Galen!
  3. Doug issued an invitation to all to help out at more meets in 2022.

G. Elections.

  1. Since we didn't have an annual meeting in 2020 due to COVID, Senia (VP) and Brooke (Secretary) have continued on for an extra year beyond their original term dates in November 2020.  The proposal for Senia and Brooke to be officially appointed to these roles through November 2022 was motioned, seconded, and approved.
  2. Kris Beecroft was elected to a two-year term as President (November 2021 - November 2023).
  3. Duncan Browne was elected to a two-year term as Treasurer (November 2021 - November 2023).

H. Mapping.

  1. Sverre is working on a map at Flying J Ranch in Conifer.
  2. Graham gave a presentation about possible new maps at Lory State Park in Fort Collins.  Kris, Katrina & Duncan all expressed interest in helping with aspects of mapping at Lory State Park and the CSU campus.  [Report PDF]
  3. Neal and Galen gave a presentation about possible new maps and national ranking events in the Round Mountain / Lake George area, and at the US Air Force Academy.  [Report PDF Pending]
  4. RMOC's contacts for mapping software questions are Sverre, Galen, Doug, and Jim Baker -- OCAD or OOM (Open Orienteering Mapper).  The OCAD license is $150 per user per year, while OOM is free.

I. General Discussion.

  1. Jeremy mentioned two new orienteers planning events in the western part of Colorado, "Sky Pilots".  They'll be having a 24-hour, ROGAINE-like event in 2022 (details TBD).
  2. We adjourned the meeting at 2:45 pm.


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