Rocky Mountain Orienteering Club Annual Meeting
November 5, 2022
Broomfield Community Center, Broomfield, CO
Participants: Doug Berling (President), Senia Bozova (Vice President), B. Brooke Mann (Secretary), Graham Baird, Neal Barlow, Kathleen Brennan, Brian Coleman, Sverre Froyen, Gøril S. Jones, JP Lande, Geoff Murphy, Cindy Shellito.
A. Call to Order. President Doug Berling called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm. He thanked Sverre Froyen for creating today's Score-O map and course, and Kathleen Brennan for coordinating today's meeting room and lunch. We approved the 2021 meeting minutes.
B. President's Report (Doug Berling).
- Doug is stepping in to fill the second year of Kris's term as President (through November 2023), since Kris had to move back to Virginia unexpectedly.
- On an ongoing basis, Doug repairs our meet equipment (control flags, e-punch boxes, etc.).
- Our 2023 event schedule may be lighter than usual if we host a National Ranking Event (NRE) over Labor Day weekend in Laramie, WY, in conjunction with the Laramie Range Orienteering Club (LROC).
- Our 2022 training events in Laramie went well; thank you Graham Baird, Neal Barlow, and Mikell Platt for setting courses, and to LROC for providing maps.
- Doug noted that we are continually in need of more volunteers:
- Course setters.
- We need someone (or a few people) to volunteer as e-punch equipment manager(s). The primary duties would be to ensure the e-punch boxes are functioning and time-synched before each event.
- We need someone to serve as coordinator for the Colorado Scholastic Orienteering League (CSOL), if we want to revive that. The primary duties would be coordinating with the school coaches, setting up their packets of e-punch sticks and start cards before each event, and invoicing. Also, someone suggested that we recruit CSOL participants from the Civil Air Patrol.
- Thank you to Jieyi Zhou for helping so often with e-punch at our events again in 2022.
- We hope to have more forest events in 2023, including Buena Vista and Peaceful Valley (Elbert). Frisco seems to be too busy in the summer for us to be able to get a permit.
C. Vice-President's Report (Senia Bozova).
- Senia gave a recap of 2022 permits and USFS fee payment status.
D. Treasurer's Report (Duncan Browne).
- Doug shared the 2022 financial reports that Duncan prepared.
E. Secretary's Report (Brooke Mann).
- Brooke presented statistics for 2022 membership and meet attendance. [Report PDF]
F. 2023 National Event.
- This event will likely follow the same format from previous years: several days of informal training events during the week, and then national ranking events (NREs) on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (Labor Day). Dates are 8/29/2023 - 9/4/2023.
- Mikell plans to include two new maps (Sugar Hill and Area 44), and an expansion of the Remarkable Flats map.
- Doug will work on the OUSA NRE sanctioning paperwork over the winter.
- Key volunteer roles to fill ASAP for the NRE days: meet director, course setters, registrar (Sverre volunteered for this), start team, e-punch team, publicity coordinator (social media, OUSA newsletters), and jury members.
- There's a University of Wyoming football game that weekend (9/2/2023), so book your Laramie lodging early. Or consider lodging in Cheyenne.
- Based on attendance in previous years, we estimate 100-150 people per day (we had ~130 per day in 2018).
G. Fee Structure.
- We had a discussion about event fees & membership fees.
- Our goals are to (a) simplify the fee structure to make the process easier for registration table volunteers, and (b) at least break even at our local events.
- We have not raised meet fees since 2009; we have not raised membership fees since 2006.
- We voted in favor of the following changes for local event fees:
- $10 for all juniors (age 20 and younger), members and non-members.
- $15 for adults (age 21 and older), RMOC members.
- $20 for adults (age 21 and older), non-members.
- $5 for each extra map (for team members or for the same person doing additional courses on the same day).
- FREE e-punch rental, compass rental, and safety whistles.
- We voted in favor of the following changes for membership fees:
- $20 individual, one year (up from $12)
- $35 individual, two years (up from $20)
- $30 family, one year (up from $18)
- $50 family, two years (up from $30)
H. Elections.
- Senia Bozova was reelected to a two-year term as Vice President (November 2022 - November 2024).
- Alan Powers was elected to a two-year term as Secretary (November 2022 - November 2024).
- As noted above in Section B, Doug Berling has stepped in to finish out the second year of Kris's term as President (November 2022 - November 2023).
I. General Discussion
- Doug noted that, along with Jieyi, Simon Maybury and Jeremy Mollison have been very helpful with e-punch duties at our events. Geoff Murphy mentioned that he'd like to learn more about the e-punch hardware and software. Someone suggested having another e-punch training day.
- Neal suggested that we revive our course setter training.
- New map at Lory State Park -- no progress yet.
- USAFA -- Yves and Doug evaluated the terrain at Jack's Valley; we'd like to put this out to bid for mapping work. We may use USAFA for Rocky Mountain State Games in 2023.
- Neal suggested that we should have more transparency about selections of new map areas and paid mappers.
- We will include CoNav events in our schedule.
- Brian Coleman gave an update about several permanent courses. Many of them need updates to the map and/or the control markers. We (RMOC) need to own this maintenance component for Scout-created maps, after the Scouts move on.
- We adjourned the meeting at approximately 2:30 pm.