· Officers:

[x] Sherry Litasi, President
[x] Sverre Froyen, Vice President
[  ] Dick Matthews, Treasurer
[x] Brooke Mann, Secretary

· Other Members:

[x] Bob Ellis
[x] Gordon McCurry



* Brooke gave a general overview of the club jersey design status. Jason Poole has finalized the design and pricing with Axis Gear. Several people expressed concern about the black sleeves on the long-sleeve jersey; they may be too hot. Brooke will discuss design alternatives with Jason.

We discussed the possibility of having RMOC subsidize the cost of the jerseys for club members. There was general agreement that a subsidy would be worth it to promote club spirit, reward club volunteers, and have a noticeable presence at national and international meets. We discussed some ideas for different subsidy schemes -- a flat subsidy for everyone, a tiered subsidy scheme for volunteers vs. members vs. non-members, etc. Brooke will draft a proposal with specific prices and discount options.

We agreed to go ahead and buy an assortment of sizes to keep on hand. This will help us get more of a price break (for a larger order), and we can sell the jerseys over time (in addition to pre-ordering). If we go with a large order, Sherry and Sverre requested that we keep the same basic design from year to year, perhaps for up to five years. Bob offered to help with sizing estimates, since he has experience ordering all the t-shirts for our Five-Day and 1000-Day meets each year.


* Sherry and Adam Feerst have volunteered to set an orienteering course for the City of Lakewood's "Bearable" Adventure Race. The race will take place at Bear Creek Lake Park on Sunday, September 24th, 2006. The orienteering course will have a Score-O format. [ Event Website ]

RMOC will be selling maps and punchcards to the race organizers. Punchcards cost us $0.10 to $0.15 each, and map printing costs will be about $0.50. So, we agreed to charge $2.00 per participant. (Teams of two will get one punchcard and two maps. So, it'll work out to be $4.00 per team.)

Sverre expressed concern about having adequate volunteer manpower for the orienteering start/finish area, to ensure a smooth and fast transition for racers. Sherry stated that the race organizers will supply three volunteers, in addition to herself and Adam. Punchcards will be labelled with each team's bib number and included in their race packet, so those won't have the handled at the transition. Sverre suggested that there be multiple punches at each control, to facilitate quick punching with so many teams out on the course.

Sherry will request that the race organizers add a link from their website to ours, with a notation about getting map-and-compass practice prior to the race. We should therefore plan to have extra volunteers at our Bear Creek Lake Park meet on September 16th (which is National Orienteering Day AND the weekend prior to the Bearable race).


* Adam Feerst had asked for input about the Buffalo Creek area, where we recently held the Mini-ROGAINE. There was general agreement that it was a very nice area, although the burned-out portions were bad (i.e., not very runnable).

* The last update Sherry got from JP about Golden Gate Canyon State Park is that he was still trying to find suitable aerials.

* Brian Coleman found someone to collect aerial photos of Peaceful Valley, at the specific scale we need. He also negotiated a good price. The flight is scheduled for next week.

Unfortunately, the Scouts are not interested in splitting the mapping costs with us. But, we should be able to recover a significant portion of the costs if we hold an "A" meet there. Sherry is still planning to hold a USOF convention and/or Junior Training Camp at Peaceful Valley in 2007, tentatively scheduled for early August.

* We didn't have anyone else at the meeting to give other map updates. Sverre is specifically curious about the status of the Chatfield updates Alex is working on; Sherry agreed to follow-up with Alex. Sverre will wait to hear about the likelihood of a fall meet on the new Chatfield map, before he requests a permit.


* Sherry is working out the logistics for the USOF AGM dinner, which will be coordinated with the Buena Vista portion of this year's 1000-Day Meet. Specifically, the dinner will be held at 6:00pm on Friday, August 18th, at the Buena Vista Community Center.

We agreed on meat and veggie lasagna as the main dinner menu. We decided against hiring a band for entertainment, as that might preclude conversation and many people may choose to go to bed early prior to the US Championships.


* Sherry has arranged to teach an introductory orienteering course the weekend of our meet in Buena Vista (August 18-19-20), through the Buena Vista Community Center. However, the 1000-Day organizers have decided not to offer separate recreational registration options this year, due to the administrative complications usually associated with that.

Sherry and Bob discussed several options to accommodate the beginners from the Buena Vista Community Center class. The main concern of the 1000-Day organizers is that this event is the US Championships -- a very high-profile event -- and there should be no possibility of disruption or distraction at the Start / Finish / Results area.

We ultimately agreed that Sherry would work with Bob to register the beginners "officially", at a special reduced rate. That way, they'll have official start times, their maps will be accounted for, and their maps will show the correct start and finish areas. Problem solved!

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