· Officers:
[x] Sherry Litasi, President
[x] Sverre Froyen, Vice President
[x] Rich Gostenik, Treasurer
[x] Brooke Mann, Secretary
· Other Members:
[x] Brian Coleman
[x] Bob Ellis
[x] Adam Feerst
* Brooke gave a general overview of the club jersey final design and order status. Rich sent our deposit to Scarborough Orienteering today, via wire transfer. In his conversation with Joe Scarborough, Rich reiterated our delivery requirements (i.e., jerseys must be delivered prior to the 1000-Day Meet, else we won't pay the rush surcharge).
* Sherry is driving to Buena Vista next week to meet with the caterer. She will finalize the menu, give a deposit, and sign the contract.
We discussed several options for handling pre-registrations and payment. We agreed that we should take reasonable precautions to limit RMOC's financial risk (i.e., the risk of committing to dinners that don't get paid for, and then RMOC has to absorb the cost). We agreed on the following plan:
The online registration form will be used to collect reservations, to get an estimate of how many types of each dinner we'll need to order. The online form will be available until 8/8/2006, the day before Bob leaves for the 1000-Day meet in Laramie. Registrants should not mail their dinner payment to Bob ahead of time.
Bob Ellis will collect dinner payments in person at the packet pickup table each day of the 1000-Day meet, up through 8/12/2006. Bob will accept cash and checks.
On 8/12/2006, Bob and Sherry will tally the payments received to determine how many dinner orders to place with the caterer.
Bob may continue to accept dinner payments until 8/14/2006. (The caterer needs our final dinner order on 8/14/2006.)
* Sherry, Brian Coleman, and Rich Gostenik will be visiting Peaceful Valley on 7/13/2006 to evaluate the available facilities for camping, lodging, classrooms, meetings, dinners, showers, etc. They will also evaluate the facilities at the adjacent Jewish Community Center. Sherry and Brian have drafted a preliminary convention program. Sherry would also like to offer an "A" meet on the weekends just before and after the convention week. The tentative convention dates are August 4-12, 2007. However, Brian will be out of the country that week, so we may propose different dates.
* Gordon McCurry suggested that we create a banner or placard to post at adventure races, something that might lure adventure racers to come practice their map-and-compass skill at our orienteering meets. There was general agreement that this is a good idea. Adam suggested that we also arrange to put our fliers in the race packets. And, someone suggested that we need better signage directing people to our meets. Brooke will follow-up on these tasks.
* Rich explained that, after working the registration table at three recent events, he has had great difficulty reconciling the meet proceeds with the categories on the new meet report form. Brooke and Sherry agreed that it is difficult to accurately record tick marks for each type of payment received when the registration table is very busy, as it usually is (member / non-member beginner / non-member advanced, individual membership, family membership, compass rental, extra maps, etc.). Therefore, Rich proposed that we purchase a battery operated cash register for approximately $150. The cash register could be programmed with all the standard meet options in order to get precise tallies after each event.
Bob Ellis pointed out that it probably isn't crucial to break-out the meet proceeds in such detail. Also, we would in fact need two cash registers -- one for the Denver/Boulder equipment set and one for the Colorado Springs equipment set. Having only one cash register with two registrars might create a bottleneck, as one registrar waits for the other registrar to enter a transaction. Lastly, there would be a training issue, since we have a rotating cast of meet volunteers.
In typical consultant-speak, Adam Feerst pointed out that, whether it's an electronic device or hand-made tick marks on a sheet of paper, the tool we use doesn't matter if the underlying process is not functional.
We tabled this item without making a final decision.
* Rich proposed that we rent a centrally-located storage locker in which to keep all of RMOC's meet supplies. This would preclude the need for meet directors to coordinate equipment hand-offs, particularly when they have conflicting / busy schedules and live at opposite ends of the Denver metro area. Also, we could more easily keep all the equipment together in one place, allowing for better inventory tracking. We wouldn't have to worry about a meet director or equipment manager being unreachable or out of town. The storage locker would have a combination lock, thereby making it accessible to all meet directors at any time.
Rich has done some price research. A 5' x 5' storage room would cost approximately $40-$50 per month (or, $480-$600 per year).
There was some concern about the cost, but we all generally agreed that we need a better system of tracking and maintaining our equipment. Brian proposed a "quartermaster" role. We do already have equipment managers, but we still need to get all the equipment centralized and accounted for.
In lieu of our August meeting (which would fall during the 1000-Day meet), we agreed to meet on Wednesday, 8/23/2006, to have an "inventory party". Details TBD.
* Peaceful Valley: Brian arranged for aerials to be flown at Peaceful Valley on 6/16/2006. Ivar Helgesen (Norway) has the contact diapositives, and he has started on the base map. Once the base map is completed, Christoph will do the field checking.
* New Chatfield Area: Alex expects to have the area south of the airport mapped in the next two to three weeks. For the field checking party on 9/30/2006, Sverre and Adam agreed that we probably won't need a permit if it's a small group and if we're not charging any money to participate (which we wouldn't be).
* Updates to Existing Maps: Sherry will check with Christoph to find out the status of his mapping update work. Areas to be updated include Frisco Peninsula, Fox Run Regional Park (meet scheduled for 9/16/2006), and Bear Creek Lake Park (meet scheduled for 9/17/2006). Brian will attempt to locate digital contour data for Fox Run.
* Golden Gate Canyon State Park: JP and Brian still haven't been able to locate any useable aerials. Therefore, we agreed that it would be worth it to have our own aerials created. Brian will check on a price quote.
* Monument Preserve: Sherry will check with Bob Ward to find out the status of this project.