· Officers:

[x] Sherry Litasi, President
[x] Sverre Froyen, Vice President
[ ] Rich Gostenik, Treasurer
[x] Brooke Mann, Secretary

· Other Members:

[x] Brian Coleman
[x] Bob Ellis
[x] Simon Maybury


A. Roll-Call.

B. General Business:

  1. Brian provided an update on punchcard printing costs and options. Brooke will make the formatting edits suggested at our 2006 Annual Meeting.

  2. We reviewed the status of other "action items" from our 2006 Annual Meeting.

  3. Adam Feerst sent an update via email stating that his presentation at REI-Denver is scheduled for April 11, 2007, at 7pm. Adam will be working on the presentation materials with Bob Ellis.

C. Permit Updates:

  • Sverre reviewed the status of our USFS permit application.

    • Buffalo Creek -- Sue Miller (USFS) said we'd have to talk to Dee the South Platte Ranger District about our proposed Mini-ROGAINE at Buffalo Creek. Sverre faxed some information to Dee and will also be mailing her a map.

    • Kelly Dahl -- The campground closes on October 12th, so our meet has to be sometime after that. There's plenty of parking on the east side of Highway 119, so no one should have to cross the highway.

    • Buena Vista -- The permit for this will be handled by the adventure race organizers.

    • General -- We need to be very specific about our parking and start/finish areas for all meets. Also, we need to provide porta-potties for all meets. If we plan to hold any un-permitted meets (fewer than 75 participants, free, club members only), we need to give the local USFS ranger office a courtesy "heads up".

    • There were questions about whether we are up-to-date on our USFS permit fee payments.

    • Sherry will send Sverre our tax ID number.

D. Mapping Projects:

  • Plamen Djambazov will start on Saylor Park updates once the snow has melted.

  • Due to other commitments, Christoph Zurcher is handing over the Peaceful Valley mapping project to Plamen. Right now, there is a significant amount of snow at Peaceful Valley.

  • Sherry stated that Steve Willman may be able to serve as Plamen's backup on the Saylor Park and Peaceful Valley projects. We discussed this and generally agreed that having one mapper per area is best for mapping consistency.

E. USOF Convention and Five-Day Meet:

  • Sherry is planning to hold a Course Setter's Workshop on March 18th, 2007. Setters and Vetters for our 2007 Five-Day meet will be required to attend, to review E-punch requirements and to split up sections of the Peaceful Valley map for course setting.

  • Sherry reviewed the list of Course Setters and Vetters she has lined up for the Five-Day meet, and the slots that need to be filled.

  • Sherry explained that selection of an online registration system is pending. In its current form, Kent Shaw's system can't really accommodate the degree of complexity and the number of options required for the Convention and Five-Day meet. Sherry tried out a system called "TRS" in Las Vegas; it's very cool, but it sells for about $4,000. She reviewed another registration system in Las Vegas called "Hang A Star", but it's not very customizable. DoubleKnot, recommended by Brian Coleman, is moderately customizable.

  • Sherry mentioned that two new members, Judy and Kelly, are willing to help with Registrar duties while Simon Maybury is out of the country in July.

  • Sherry will use a PO Box in Golden for registration-related mail.

  • Sherry explained that there will be a limit of 300 participants for the "Zero to Orange" workshop.

  • We discussed the logistics of having enough time and enough E-Punch units to set out for the Long-O on Saturday, just after the Short-O on Friday. Also, Sherry explained that we need someone to pre-run every course, every day, to turn on the E-Punch units.

  • Sherry explained that we'll be renting the Peaceful Valley headquarters building for the week of the Convention, and that she has bought some radios at Costco.

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