· Officers:
[x] Sherry Litasi, President
[ ] Sverre Froyen, Vice President
[ ] Rich Gostenik, Treasurer
[x] Brooke Mann, Secretary
· Other Members:
[x] Kathleen Brennan
[x] Adam Feerst
[x] Gordon McCurry
A. Roll-Call.
B. General Business:
Adam's orienteering presentation at REI went very well. There were about 50 or 70 people in attendance, and they all seemed very interested and engaged. The attendees were all types of people -- adventure racers, scouts, etc. Sherry, Sverre, and Doug Berling served as teaching assistants.
Sherry floated the idea of having a debit card for the RMOC bank account. This would facilitate online purchases. Those in attendance at the meeting were generally against this idea.
Sherry and Brian Coleman will be attending the Denver-area Scout Show this weekend to staff an RMOC / orienteering booth.
Jason Poole suggested that we might want to postpone our CU meet in light of the recent shootings at Virginia Tech. People running around in the bushes on the CU campus might be viewed suspiciously... We agreed to postpone the meet until after graduation.
We either need to find more volunteers for the Buffalo Creek meet or postpone it. Sherry will ask JP Ingebrigtsen if he can hang controls and/or serve as a Vetter. One of the suggestions from last year is that there need to be more close-in controls for the two-hour runners.
Sverre has secured our USFS permit for Kelly Dahl. We absolutely can't use the campground, and we have to provide a porta-pottie. Sheryl Lehman and Steve Levin will serve as Meet Directors; Rich Kelly will be the Course Setter.
For our meet at Buena Vista, Sherry says she will be the Meet Director and Steve Willman may be the Course Setter (or maybe Orlyn Skrien or Sharon Crawford?). The start/finish area will be the same area that was used for the Day 1 start at the 2006 US Championships. Brooke will set up the online registration page for this event by the end of this week, so Sherry can send the URL to the adventure race organizers for publicity on their web site.
We agreed that Mt. Falcon might be a good place for a beginner meet.
C. Mapping Updates:
Christoph Zurcher has almost completed the OCAD drafting work for Saylor Park.
Doug Berling is geo-referencing new trails and doing other general updates for our Manitou Lake map.
Plamen Djambazov is experiencing weather-related delays on the Peaceful Valley map.
Brian Coleman bought a rugged tablet-PC with live GPS and OCAD. Sherry explained that RMOC will be renting this tablet-PC from Brian for $200 per month for three months, to facilitate Plamen's mapping work. Doug may also use the tablet-PC for his updates at Manitou Lake. Field mapping costs us $150 per day.
We discussed the possibility of mapping the Centennial Cone area in JeffCo. Adam commented that this area is very open and quite steep, with only one trail through it.
We have about 2,000 Kelly Dahl maps and 3,000 Observatory maps. Can we overprint these older maps for this year's meets?
Brian wants to geo-reference all of RMOC's maps. He also wants to create a map repository and OCAD file versioning system.
D. USOF Convention & Five-Day Meet:
We discussed some options for buying E-Punch stands vs. making them. We need a total of 160-180 stands. Doug Berling is building a prototype.