
[x] Sherry Litasi, President
[x] Sverre Froyen, Vice-President
[x] Bob Ellis, Treasurer
[x] B. Brooke Mann, Secretary
[x] John Crowther, E-Punch Coordinator
[x] Neal Barlow, Club Member

  1. We discussed the liability implications of selling our maps to other organizations (specifically, some adventure racers who want to use one of our maps for a training event). Gordon McCurry has already sent the adventure racers a great summary of ways to minimize their impacts. We agreed on a price of $3 per map (same as what we charge at our meets), hardcopies only (not the OCAD file). Sherry will remind them of the copyright requirements (i.e., no photocopying the map), and that they're responsible for obtaining any necessary permits.

  2. We discussed the potential of having to raise our meet fees. This is due to the fact that many of our costs are increasing; specifically, the US Forest Service is now requiring porta-potties at all events at USFS areas ($100-$150 per unit), USOF is planning to raise club dues in 2009 (exact details TBD), we're investing in e-punch equipment, and we'll have to pay transaction fees if/when we start having full online registration. We also have lots of fixed costs such as map printing, water & snacks, facility rental fees, etc. We decided: (a) At local events, when a person wants to do multiple courses, we will charge per start rather than just charging for an extra map. This is how USOF charges us as a club (per Start), so it's fair to pass on that expense. (b) We'll table our decision about raising meet fees until we get specifics from USOF about their new rates.

  3. Mapping update -- Ivar is working on our base maps. Plamen will get first choice of which one(s) he wants to work on for the field-checking tasks. Goril Jones' brother from Norway might be interested in mapping for us for a few months this summer. Steve Willman may want to continue expanding the Buena Vista maps when he nears completion on his house.

  4. Brooke Mann asked for an extension on documenting the Volunteer Incentive Program details.

  5. We cancelled the Peaceful Valley event in March (iffy weather, no Course Setter).

  6. E-Punch Discussion -- John Crowther presented more details about the costs:

    • The battery-operated printer kit is highly recommended.
    • We will use SI-8 as the rental sticks.
    • The rental sticks should be a specific color to be easily identified.
    • Valerie Meyer (e-punch guru) suggests that we charge $3 per rental.
    • Sherry Litasi, Bob Ellis, Doug Berling, Christoph Zurcher & JP Ingebrigtsen have volunteered to use e-punching on the courses they're setting this year.
    • E-punching allows for more interesting courses on small maps.
    • Sherry and John will plan to include e-punch hardware/software training at the Course Setter workshop; workshop date moved from March 29th to March 22nd, 2009.

    We (Sherry, Bob, Brooke & John) agreed to buy 60 control units and 70 rental sticks.

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