
[x] Bob Ellis, President
[x] Doug Berling, Vice-President
[x] Sverre Froyen, Treasurer
[x] B. Brooke Mann, Secretary
[x] Sherry Litasi, A-Meet Coordinator
[x] John Crowther, E-Punch Coordinator

A.	Reviewed permitting and volunteer status for upcoming local meets.
B.	Orienteering Festival:

	Bob had a meeting with the Florissant Fossil Beds administrator on
	Thursday, April 8, 2010, to discuss logistics, permit requirements,
	and fees.
	Sherry has found that Park State Bank owns a vacant lot in Florissant
	that is big enough for us to park for the meet, if necessary.  They
	have agreed to give us permission to use it.  Sherry or a delegate
	will investigate the cost of school busses or shuttle vans.
	Bob and Joel will plan courses and Bob will get them to Florissant
	Fossil Beds staff by April 16, 2010, so they can start their review
	and approval process.

C.	Our next meeting will be at 7:00 pm MDT on Monday, April 26th, 2010,
	via Skype.

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