
[x] Bob Ellis, President
[x] Doug Berling, Vice-President
[x] Sverre Froyen, Treasurer
[x] B. Brooke Mann, Secretary
[x] Sherry Litasi, 2010 O-Fest Meet Director & Outreach Coordinator
[x] John Crowther, E-Punch Coordinator
[x] Eric Krohn, RMOC Member

A.	Fall Schedule.

	1.  Fox Run Regional Park (9/11/2010) -- key volunteer slots are filled:

		- Course Setter:  Leif Anderson
		- Meet Director / Registration:  Bob Ellis & Sherry Litasi
		- E-Punch:  Doug Berling

	2.  Bear Creek Lake Park (9/19/2010) -- we still need a Meet Director:

		- Course Setter:  Michael Rounds
		- Meet Director / Registration:  Volunteer Needed (Bob Ellis backup)
		- E-Punch:  John Crowther

		***Sverre reminded Bob that we need to review our courses with the park
		ranger, and we also need to confirm the waiver requirements.

	3.  Kelly Dahl (10/10/2010) -- we need an E-Punch Chief:

		- Course Setter:  Rich Kelly
		- Meet Director / Registration:  Jody Handerson
		- E-Punch:  Volunteer Needed

		***Bob will re-confirm with Rich and Jody.

	4.  Chatfield South (10/23/2010) -- we need a Meet Director, an E-Punch
	Chief, and a new Vetter (since Plamen has moved back to Minnesota):

		- Course Setter:  David Bolt
		- Course Vetter:  Volunteer Needed
		- Meet Director / Registration:  Volunteer Needed
		- E-Punch:  Volunteer Needed

B.	Finances.

	1.  Sverre gave an overview of our checking and money market balances.

	2.  We made money on the O-Fest, although Sverre does not yet have
	specific numbers (Sverre needs details from Sherry).

C.	2011 ROGAINE in Westcliffe, CO.

	1.  Division of duties:

		- Steve Willman will be the Meet Director, Mapper & Course Setter.

		- The local (Westcliffe) recreation center will be providing
		administrative support (hash house, etc.).

		- RMOC will handle sanctioning paperwork and provide two vetters.
		Bob may apply for this event to be designated as the 2011 US ROGAINE

		***Bob / John will work with Steve to confirm e-punch requirements.
		(How many controls will we need?  Will RMOC have enough controls or
		will we need to rent some from other club(s)?  Will our rental e-
		punch sticks have adequate capacity for the number of controls?

	2.  ROGAINE dates are 8/20 - 8/21/2011.  Mikell Platt (LROC) has agreed
	to move up his "Laramie Daze" event to start the Wednesday after the
	ROGAINE (to hopefully draw more attendees to both events, while still
	allowing a few days for people to recover and travel to Laramie after the

D.	Orienteering Club at US Air Force Academy.

	1.  The latest update is that the USAFA is overhauling all club rules,
	and that will delay any discussions about forming a new club for

	2.  Orienteering USA has a $2,000 grant available for starting a new
	club.  Perhaps we could use that grant money to go ahead and update the
	USAFA's orienteering map, in anticipation of a club being formed next

	3.  Doug Berling will serve as RMOC's liaison to the USAFA as these
	discussions continue.

E.	Mapping.

	1.  Mikell Platt is willing to do some mapping-for-hire for RMOC, as long
	as he has a place to stay near the mapping site, and as long as that
	place has reliable internet access for his daily work.

	2.  We agreed that we should coordinate our mapping plans and our 2012 A-
	meet plans, in order to (a) have adequate lead time to complete the
	map(s), and (b) to recoup the mapping costs more quickly with A-meet

	3.  We still have large basemaps remaining at Saylor Park East, Manitou /
	Rainbow Falls, Camp Alexander, and Sledgehammer.

	4.  For our next A-meet (in 2012), Leif Anderson had a good suggestion
	that we adopt the Sprint-Middle-Long format that is becoming more popular
	in other parts of the country.  Leif had tentatively suggested some areas
	closer to Boulder / Denver:  CU-Boulder (Sprint), Kelly Dahl /
	Observatory (Middle), and White Ranch (Long).

	5.  Bob reported that the free, digital data for Golden Gate Canyon State
	Park was not useable; was this area included in any of our aerial photos
	for basemapping last year?

F.	2011 Meet Schedule.

	1.  Bob would like to start drafting the schedule earlier this year.

	2.  Adventure Xstream will not be staging an adventure race on our Buena
	Vista map this year; they'll be using Chatfield State Park instead (dates

	3.  We talked about the possibility of a two-day local meet in the
	Woodland Park area (Saylor Park, Manitou Park, Rainbow Falls, etc.).

	4.  We agreed that it would be best to spread out the meet dates
	throughout the spring, summer and fall, rather than having several meets
	on consecutive weekends and then long spells with no meets.

	5.  We agreed to schedule meets at high-elevation maps during the hotter
	summer months (e.g. White Ranch, Observatory).

	6.  Next year's Ski & Snowshoe meets will be at Eldora, Devil's Thumb
	Ranch, and Frisco Nordic Center.  Possibly also at Snow Mountain Ranch
	(in conjunction with the Sons of Norway Barneløpet event -- date

G.	Permanent Course(s).

	1.  Sherry reported that Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) requires grant
	recipients to cover 10% of the project cost.  This would only apply to
	the course markers, since they don't view a map as part of the project.
	Sherry estimates the total cost for each permanent course to be about
	$1,000 ($30 per control); so, RMOC's portion would only be $100.

	2.  Sherry was able to collect 25 letters of support through the efforts
	of Girl Scout Megan Coney.

	3.  Candidates for a permanent course would be areas where we already
	have an existing map.  Sondermann Park in Colorado Springs is a
	potentially good candidate.

	4.  We would have to decide if maps would be available to download for
	free (as an outreach effort), or if we would charge for the maps.

H.  Next Meeting.

	1.  Bob will set the date for the next meeting and send out a notice.

	2.  Agenda items for the next meeting will be:

		- Permanent Course Update (Sherry Litasi)
		- Review 2011 Draft Schedule (Bob Ellis)
		- Review 2010 A-Meet / O-Fest Details and Finances (Sherry Litasi)
		- Mapping Plans for 2011-2012 (All)

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