
[x] Kris Beecroft
[x] Amy Varble
[x] Sverre Froyen
[x] Michael Rounds
[x] Jan Lande
[x] Brian Coleman
[x] B. Brooke Mann

 A.	The US Junior Team coordinator and coach (Barb Bryant and Eric Schirm)
 	have asked about RMOC's plans for Summer 2014; this may drive some of our
 	map prioritization decisions.  Could we possibly do something to
 	coordinate with the CTOC A-Meet in Idaho in early August 2014 and the
 	World ROGAINE Championships in South Dakota in late August 2014?  LROC
 	is willing to host some meets in the Laramie / Happy Jack area.

 	We decided to ask Bob Ellis to schedule a board meeting to discuss this,
 	since some of the implications go beyond mapping (volunteers, sanctioning,

B. 	Mikell Platt (LROC) is willing to do some mapping for us, and he's
 	particularly interested in our Observatory map.  We need to find out
 	what the USFS plans are for re-opening that area after their logging is
 	completed; Kris will ask Doug for a USFS update on Observatory and Kelly

C. 	Discussion about specific areas:

 	- Jan will re-confirm access at Golden Gate Canyon State Park (Green Ranch
 	area).  jan still thinks this would be a good area to map -- it's not as
 	steep as White Ranch.  On the other hand, it doesn't have much of a
 	trail network for White and Yellow runners.

 	- Michael thinks access would not be an issue at the YMCA of the Rockies
 	facility in Estes Park, and that this would be a good area to map.  Michael
 	is willing to be a Course Setter if we create this map, but cannot be
 	Project manager at this time.  "Dave Maestas" is the manager of the YMCA's
 	Estes Park Center.

 	- We already have LiDAR data for Fox Run and Homestead Park; we bought it from
 	El Paso County in 2012.

 	- Brian converted the Fox Run LiDAR data into OCAD format and sent it
 	to Doug for field checking of how the contours look.

 	- Brian has some imagery and possibly some free LiDAR for Tahosa.


 	- Ask Mikell to do map UPDATES for Observatory, Tahosa, Bear Creek Lake Park,
 	and Cherry Creek State Park.

 	- Ask Plamen to map additional areas of Camp Alexander, to expand on
 	what Steve Willman mapped in 2012.  (Unless Steve wants to continue
 	working on it?)  Plamen would have two weeks available, at the most.
 	Sherry suggests that we pay for Plamen's airfare and find a car for him
 	to use (in addition to paying for his time).

 	- Create NEW maps for Homestead Ranch, Cheyenne Mountain State Park, and
 	Golden Gate State Park (Green Ranch area).  Mapper TBD.  Some access
 	issues still TBD.

 	- The CU-Boulder map needs updates, and this map is a high priority
 	(great for a Sprint), but let's not waste Plamen or Mikell in this map;
 	this one will be relatively easy to update based on aerials, etc.

 	- Kris will send inquiries to Mikell and Plamen to ask about their
 	availability and interest.

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