
[x] Kris Beecroft (Meet Director)
[x] Doug Berling
[x] Kathleen Brennan
[x] John Crowther
[x] Sverre Froyen
[x] B. Brooke Mann

A.  General Updates from Kris:

	 - OUSA has approved our sanctioning request for an A-meet.  Our bid for
	 the meet to be designated as the US Classic Championships is still pending
	 and will be discussed at the upcoming Tahoe A-meet in July.

	 - Confirmed volunteer roles:

		* Meet Director - Kris Beecroft.
		* Registrar - Bob Ellis (combined with LROC meets).
		* Course Setters - Joel Swisher & Carolyn Atwood.
		* E-Punch Chief - John Crowther.
		* Start Crew Chief - Sverre Froyen (Sverre will recruit other volunteers
		  for the start crew).
		* Vetters - Carolyn / Joel for each other(?); Kris; Doug; we need at least
		  two more.
			+ Neal Barlow wants to compete, not vet.
			+ Steve Willman?  Kris will ask.
			+ Michael Rounds?  Kris will ask.
		* Dinner / Social Activities / AGM Coordinator - Kathleen Brennan.
		* Equipment Chief - Doug Berling.
		* Website - Brooke Mann (
		* Snacks - Kathleen Brennan (and Terri Chawla?).
		* T-Shirts - Libby Ellis? Or something new? Tech-tee vs. regular
		  t-shirt?  Kris will ask.

	 - Kris recommends a TEAM of vetters, not just a single vetter.  Also,
	 there should be a vetting chief who coordinates all vetting activities
	 leading up to the meet and at the meet.  We agreed that this is a good
	 idea, if we can find enough volunteers.  Also, vetters should run and
	 evaluate the controls as courses, not just as individual controls.

	 - We discussed dinner options for the AGM.  We assume that most people
	 will be staying in Woodland Park, so it wouldn't be unreasonable to have
	 the AGM in Woodland Park (since Lake George doesn't have any restaurants).
	 Cooking / dining and lodging facilities at Camp Alexander are TBD.

	 - Kris has briefly discussed mapping plans with Steve Willman, and he's
	 working on the areas east and south of the camp.  Doug and Kris would both
	 like to get more specific details about this, so we can plan logistics for
	 start / finish locations, parking, etc.

	 - Kris plans to visit Camp Alexander on July 4th, to check it out.  Doug
	 reports that the camp ranger is there year-round.  Doug will send the
	 ranger's contact information to Kris and Kathleen.

	 - Glen Schorr (OUSA Executive Director) is working on potential sponsorship
	 deals.  Any sponsorship money Glen secures would be split between RMOC and OUSA.

	 - We agreed on "Rocky Mountain Orienteering Festival" as the event name.
B.  E-Punch Update from John:
	 - John has given Valerie Meyer the heads-up that we'll want to rent her e-
	 punch equipment next year (e-punch control units, but not stands -- we
	 have enough stands of our own).

	 - Randy Nielsen (Denver JROTC Director) has some e-punch units we might be
	 able to use (~20?).  John will check with Randy to confirm.

	 - RMOC owns 50 e-punch units.  Total number of stands TBD.  Doug will

	 - John and Doug will work on repairing any units and stands that need to
	 be fixed.
C.  Discussion:
	 - How many people do we expect?  It depends partly on whether or not our
	 meet is designated at the US Championships.  Kris estimates 250 to 300,
	 maximum.  Kris will look at attendance at past meets.

	 - Kris would like to have monthly planning meetings for the next six months.
	 We agreed.

	 - Kathleen asks that John and anyone going to the Tahoe A-meet listen for feedback
	 on last year's social dinner and AGM (hosted by RMOC in Laramie).

D.  To Discuss Next Time (week of August 12th):

	 - Tentative Laramie event schedule (we need Mikell's input -- Kris will
	 check with him).

	 - CU-Boulder sprint?

	 - What should we charge?  (Income / expenses for dinner, t-shirts, map-
	 printing, registration materials, etc.)

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