
[x] Kris Beecroft (Meet Director)
[x] Doug Berling
[x] John Crowther
[x] Sverre Froyen
[x] Sherry Litasi
[x] B. Brooke Mann
[x] Mikell Platt
[x] Joel Swisher
[x] Amy Winston

A.  General Discussion

	- CTOC (Idaho) was planning to host an A-Meet / US Ultra-Long
	championships the weekend before our meet; but, they have
	withdrawn their application and won't be hosting an A-Meet after
	all.  (Partly due to the Canadian championships planned for that same
	weekend, and also their mapper had some health issues and wouldn't have
	been able to finish the map in time.)

	- We decided that CTOC's A-meet cancellation shouldn't have any
	real impact on our meet.

	- Hopefully the WCOC champs in Kamloops won't draw participation
	away from our meet (even though it's the same weekend).  Some
	informal conversations indicate that this shouldn't be an issue;
	people are eager to come back to the Woodland Park area.

B.  Publicity

	- Mikell pointed out that advance publicity is key -- highlight
	the fact that we'll have good maps, good course setting, some
	amenities, etc.

	- Kris would like to have a flyer she can distribute at UNO's A-
	Meet (US Championships) in October.  (*Need someone to design the

C.	Attendance Estimate

	- Kris reviewed attendance at the 2010-2013 Classic Championships 
	and Individual Championships.  Based on these number, we'll plan
	on 250-300 attendees.
		* SML Champs - EMPO:  May, upstate NY (one day at Moreau Lake) ~400
		* Classic Champs - UNO:  October TBD

		* SML Champs - GAOC:  April, ~300
		* Classic Champs - BOK (NC): March, ~200 (attendance might have been
		  impacted by SML just one month later)

		* SML Champs - CSU:  Oct, outside of Boston ~300 (one day WRE)
		* Classic Champs - CNYO: July/Aug, Rochester ~250 (together with Convention
		  and a weeklong O-festival)

		* SML Champs - COC: June, outside of Spokane ~330 (weeklong event
		  with NAOC in Canada)
		* Classic Champs - EMPO: Oct, upstate NY (Moreau Lake) ~400

D.  Sanctioning Update

	- Our bid to host an A-meet has been approved, but the 2014 US
	Classic Championships decision is still pending.  (Rochester OC
	will be hosting the 2014 Individual Championships.)  We're waiting
	for the sanctioning committee to have their next conference call
	to make a final decision.

E.  Schedule / Tie-in Events

	- Sherry reported that Sharon might want to set a Trail-O.  Kris
	will follow-up with Sharon.

 	- Mikell can host his usual low-key events in Laramie / Happy
 	Jack, as long as he has enough notice.  He can work around
 	whatever we might plan in Colorado (CU-Boulder Sprint, model
 	event, etc.).

 	- We agreed on the following:

 		* Tue, Aug 5 - LROC Local Meet in Laramie
 		* Wed, Aug 6 - LROC Local Meet in Laramie
 		* Thu, Aug 7 - LROC Local Meet in Laramie
 		* Fri, Aug 8 - Travel Day / Model Event near A-Meet Site
 		* Sat, Aug 9 - US Classic Champs Day 1
 		* Sun, Aug 10 - US Classic Champs Day 2
 		* Mon, Aug 11 - Travel Day
 		* Tue, Aug 12 - LROC Local Meet in Laramie
		* Wed, Aug 13 - LROC Local Meet in Laramie
 		* Thu, Aug 14 - LROC Local Meet in Laramie

	- After some discussion, we decided that having a model event is
	more important than having a just-for-fun Sprint at CU-Boulder.
	(Also, traveling from Laramie to Boulder, running the Sprint,
	then driving several more hours to Woodland Park for the model
	event would be a lot for attendees AND for organizers).  We decided
	to scrap the CU-Boulder Sprint plans for now.

	[For future reference:  CU-Boulder campus permit approval form
	with 11 departmental signature requirements:  second PDF at
	And, CU-Boulder overall campus event policy:]

	- Model event location is TBD.  But, we decided that the model
	event should be included in the overall entry fee, not an extra

F.  OUSA Annual General Meeting (AGM) & One-Day Convention

	- OUSA had previously asked if we could hose the AGM; more
	recently, they also asked if we could also host a one-day convention.

	 	* AGM = one meeting (~two hours) to vote on bylaws, board
	 	member elections, etc.

		* Convention = seminars and classes throughout the day, with
		some kid activities and possibly a social event in the

 	- Convention dates and times and TBD.  OUSA would arrange all
 	speakers & content for the convention; we would need to arrange

 	- Sherry feels that we should host the convention, because it'll
 	draw more attendees for our A-meet.  M-Lazy-C Ranch is a possible
 	location (about five miles west of Lake George, bordering our
 	Round Mountain map).

 	- Sherry is willing to help with the Convention logistics.  Terri
 	Chawla is another possible helper for the AGM & Convention.

G.  Camp Alexander Scouting & Mapping Report from Doug

	- Doug drove around the camp on August 11th, to look for parking,

		* There's not as much infrastructure as at Peaceful Valley -- 
		just main building, a medical building, and a few staff buildings.

		* Parking would be adequate.

	- Doug got a mapping update from Steve Willman last week.  Steve
	has been working on the area west of the camp, to the river
	(field-checking is nearly completed in this area).  Next, he'll go
	east and/or south; Doug thinks he should go south (better terrain)
	-- but, there's no real connection between the two areas (just a
	steep and rocky foot path); we would need to treat it as two
	completely separate areas.  The areas are about 3-4 km apart.  If
	you park at the camp, it doesn't make sense to walk to the south
	area -- it's too far away.  But, it's a big area.  We would need
	USFS  approval to park along the road to access the south area
	(Road 242); the road is passable by regular cars in the areas we
	would need to go.

	- In the next few weeks, Steve plans to send Doug a map showing
	the areas he has already field checked, and the areas he plans to
	check next.  Steve reports that most of his work will take place
	from September onward.

	- Joel / Carolyn / Doug / Steve -- Need to coordinate soon to
	start planning courses, start/finish locations for equipment
	drop-off, etc.

	- Kris would like Doug to arrange a meeting for A-Meet planners to
	check out the Camp Alexander buildings, facilities, etc.

H.  Update from Plamen

 	- He told Sherry he'll be here 8/26, for a week.

 	- Is it worth re-mapping BCLP, considering the recent complaints
 	from the BCLP ranger?  Kris asked Doug to re-contact the ranger to
 	work this out before we commit Plamen to re-mapping it.

 	- Backup plans for Plamen:  Cherry Creek and Chatfield.

 	- Plamen can stay at Sherry's house in Denver, if he wants to.
 	Or, at Sverre's house in Lakewood.

I.  Start-Line Logistics

	- Sverre wants to know if there are rules about when people can
	get their clue sheets.

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