[x] Kris Beecroft (Meet Director)
[x] Doug Berling
[x] Kathleen Brennan
[x] Sverre Froyen
[x] B. Brooke Mann
[x] Mikell Platt
A. Volunteers - We reviewed the volunteer list again. - Bob Ellis is Registrar. He has contacted Kent Shaw / OUSA about using their online registration system. - Kathleen Brennan will be in charge of arrangements for the dinner, the AGM meeting location, and finish-line snacks. *Kathleen will check out M-Lazy-C Ranch and other nearby options (facilities, availability, etc.). The Lake George elementary school might be a good option for the AGM and Convention activities. Sherry Litasi and Amy Winston are willing to be part of Kathleen's team (and also possibly Terri Chawla). - Discussion of M-Lazy-C Ranch: they ran out of food last time; but, in their defense, did we give them an accurate headcount to work from? Some have a good impression of the place; it should probably be fine as long as we give them an accurate headcount and set expectations about orienteers eating more than the average person. - OUSA Executive Director Glen Schorr will be in town 10/7 - 10/12 to look at hotels in Woodland Park with the local Chamber of Commerce. He'd like to meet with someone from RMOC for dinner and discussion. Kathleen is willing to meet with Glen, if he can meet halfway (like in Monument or Castle Rock). *Kris and Kathleen will follow-up with Glen. B. Mapping - Doug has a Camp Alexander update from Steve Willman: he has mapped the camp itself, and is now working westward toward the river; he plans to finish this area in September and October. Doug reports that Steve agrees that having one day at Round Mountain is a good idea (rather than having both days at Camp Alexander). - Camp Alexander's west and south areas are separate and not connected (i.e., you can't park at the camp and just walk to either area -- you have to drive). - Idea: Day 1 at Camp Alexander (start high to avoid climb on the course; have the Finish and a few sprint-like controls in the camp area), and then Day 2 at Round Mountain. - Round Mountain needs trails and roads to be updated; Mikell can do this in OCAD using Google Earth as a source, and then Doug will field check. Mikell will coordinate with Doug to be sure Mikell's part is finished in time for Doug's field work. Kris included Round Mountain as a backup location in the original sanctioning application, so switching to that area for Day 2 shouldn't affect our A-Meet sanctioning. *Kris will email Steve (CC Doug) to confirm his mapping plans and offer our ideas for Day 2 at Round Mountain. *We need a mapping cost estimate from Steve. Kris will ask (CC Sverre). *Kris will talk to Joel and Carolyn to see which map / day they each want to do, if we have a day at Round Mountain instead of both days at Camp Alexander. C. Permits Doug talked to Sue Miller (USFS) at our Manitou meet last weekend (September 7th); he needs to contact the South Park Ranger District to talk about our plans. Parking at Camp Alexander and M-Lazy-C (rather than on USFS roads) makes permitting a little bit easier. USFS staff should be back in the office (available for Doug to talk to) no later than October 1st. D. Publicity - Brooke is creating "save the date" postcards for UNO to put in meet packets at the upcoming US Championships in October. This was Kris's idea. :-) - Brooke will create an ad for an upcoming issue of ONA. - Brooke will create a pocket-sized, fold-up meet reference guide similar to the one Kris got at the Scottish 6-Day meet. It's a two-sided 11" x 17" sheet that folds down to 3" x 4", with all of the key meet details. [Here's a Copy.] - Brooke will have our 2014 web site up before the UNO meet, at least with placeholders and preliminary details. E. Trail-O - Sharon Crawford wants to set a Trail-O course as part of our A-meet, possibly as the 2014 US Trail-O Championships. We need to get more details from Sharon Crawford. F. Schedule - We discussed several options for the ancillary events -- LROC C-Meets, Trail-O, AGM, Convention, etc. Should we schedule events on either side of the weekend (as currently proposed), or should we front-load everything the week prior (even though this is a possible conflict with the Canadian Championships in Whistler, the weekend prior to our meet)? - Tentative Plans: · Saturday - Wednesday: LROC C-Meets. These will be mass start, one main Red loop with shorter options for Green and Brown, self-timed. On his own, Mikell cannot also do White/Yellow/Orange courses. Maybe Graham or Steve Dornseif could help? Otherwise, these courses will be Red/Green/Brown only. · Thursday: travel day & model event @ Round Mountain (a suitable model for both Day 1 and Day 2 maps). · Friday: Model event, Convention, AGM & Junior Ice-Cream Social Fundraiser. · Saturday: A-Meet Day 1, BOD meeting (if needed) & Dinner. · Sunday: A-Meet Day 2. · Monday: Trail-O (Where? Ask Sharon. We can't give an unfair Camp A map preview to Trail-O participants before the A-meet).