· Officers:

[x] Sherry Litasi, President
[x] Sverre Froyen, Vice President
[ ] Dick Matthews, Treasurer
[x] Brooke Mann, Secretary

· Other Members:

[x] Brian Coleman
[x] Sverre Froyen
[x] Jan Ingebrigtsen
[x] Gordon McCurry
[x] Alex Thomas

· Input & Comments Provided Ahead of Time:

Adam Feerst
Mark Hendrickson



A. Mapping:

We all agreed that our highest priority in the next year should be MAPPING.
This includes:

- creation of new maps in new areas
- update and/or expansion of some of our existing maps
- OCAD conversion of our older maps

Over the past few years, lots of suggestions have been made about new areas
to map and existing maps to update/expand. But, we never seem to get beyond
the stage of just talking about it. Sherry knows several mappers and how to
contact them; so, we agreed on a specific approach in order to actually see
some new maps through to completion in 2006:

Step 1. Compile an inventory of all existing maps needing updates
and all new areas that have been proposed in the past few years.
***ACTION ITEM: Brooke will compile this list in a spreadsheet or
database format by Friday, 12/9/2005.***

Step 2. The Mapping Coordinator will assign volunteers to research
the particulars of each proposed area: access, permitting
considerations, size and suitability of the terrain, proximity to
where our club members live, etc. [Brian Coleman and Rolando Luarca
have both expressed interest in the Map Coordinator role.]

Step 3. Once all the criteria for each area is collected, we'll meet
again to rank and prioritize the list of mapping projects. Based on
resource constraints (budget & mapper availability), we'll pick a
certain number of projects to move forward with.

Step 4. For each new map, the first step would be creation of a base
map over the winter so that field checking can occur in the
spring/summer of 2006. We'll need to obtain certain source materials
(such as aerial photos at a specific resolution) in order to have a
professional photogrammetrist create our base maps. Base maps can be
created remotely once the right source materials are obtained.

Step 5. Once the base maps are completed, the next step is field
checking. Field checking can be done by a professional mapper or by
an experienced club member.

Step 6. Lastly, the map will be drafted in OCAD.

Sherry suggested that J-J Coté, Steve Willman and Mikell Platt can provide
advice and expertise about the mapping process.

B. Map Coordinator:

Brian Coleman offered to manage our map inventory (physical and electronic
versions) as well as the map sales/invoicing process (e.g. when individuals
or groups want to purchase maps from us). Sherry pointed out the need to
keep Brian's map business completely separate from RMOC map sales, since
we're now pursuing official non-profit designation.

C. OCAD Software:

Brian Coleman will investigate the cost of upgrading to OCAD 8. Does the
OCAD license allow for all club members to share a single copy of the
software? ***ACTION ITEM: Brian will confirm the OCAD 8 cost & license

D. Map Update Approval Process:

We discussed Adam Feerst's question about the procedure for approving OCAD
master-file changes when updates are noted as part of the course-setting
process. Adam proposed that all such updates should be field-checked before
being merged into the master map file in OCAD. We all agreed this was a
prudent idea. Sverre suggested that, whenever possible, the original map
creator should "own" the responsibility for confirming and implementing the
map updates.

E. OCAD Repository:

We agreed that a centralized repository of OCAD files would be a good idea.
Brian Coleman offered to be the "gatekeeper" and manager of the repository.
Brooke offered to build an online storage area for the files -- pending
confirmation of FortNet's file backup process. Sherry suggested that all
files should have a file naming convention as a version-control method. We
would also implement password protection to control read/write access to the

F. Workshops:

It was suggested that we might want to have a Mapping workshop in addition to
(or in conjunction with) the annual Course Setter's workshop. Topics would
include: how to use OCAD, how to perform field checking, the overall process
for creating a new map, etc. ***ACTION ITEM: Someone needs to set a
workshop date & location, set an agenda, and find an instructor.***

G. Pre-Printed Courses:

We agreed that it's a good idea to encourage pre-printed courses at our local
meets whenever it's feasible for the Meet Director/Course Setter. Not only
does this give RMOC a more professional image, but it also helps the start
queue get moving at events such as BCLP where there can be a crush of people
on the beginner courses all at the same time. At the end of 2006, we'll
evaluate the pros and cons of using more pre-printed maps at our local
events. ***ACTION ITEM: Someone needs to research color-printing costs
through various vendors, since Kinko's seems to be quite expensive. [We need
a volunteer to do this.]***

H. Online Pre-Registration:

We agreed to implement an optional pre-registration system for 2006
(actually, more of a map-reservation or RSVP system). For events with pre-
printed courses, this will help the Meet Director/Course Setter estimate how
many maps to print for each course. We'll evaluate the pros and cons of the
pre-registration system at the end of 2006. ***ACTION ITEM: Brooke will
build an online pre-registration system on the RMOC website.***

I. Publicity:

Adam Feerst has some great ideas about publicizing the club in order to
increase meet attendance. Specifically, Adam suggested that RMOC should put
on Orienteering workshops at places like REI/EMS (versus the basic map-and-
compass workshops they currently offer). Gordon McCurry has a PowerPoint
presentation he developed for a half-day Colorado Mountain Club course he
taught last year; this could be adapted for a shorter workshop. Once we have
the presentation materials developed, we will then need volunteers to set-up
and conduct the workshops.

Brian Coleman also had some great ideas about publicizing the club:

- RMOC should set up a booth at the Denver Council Scout Show, which
typically attracts 5,000-6,000 attendees. This event will takes
place at the end of April at the Western Stock Show complex. The
Longs Peak and Pikes Peak Scout Councils also have similar events in
Boulder/Longmont and Colorado Springs, respectively. ***ACTION ITEM:
Brian will confirm the dates and locations for 2006.***

- RMOC should find a way to participate in the "Chatauqua Program"
for adult Scout leaders. This event will take place in March at the
Highlands Ranch LDS church. Introductory Orienteering has been
offered as part of the program in the past; Advanced Orienteering
will be offered for the first time in 2006. ***ACTION ITEM: Brian
will confirm the event details for 2006.***

J. 2006 Event Schedule:

Sherry will work on getting a draft schedule sent out soon. Meanwhile, the
following events are tentatively set:

* 02/04/06 : Frisco Nordic Center -- Ski-O & Snowshoe-O

* 02/25/06 : Barnelopet at Snow Mountain Ranch -- Ski-O & Snowshoe-O

* Date TBD : Breckenridge Nordic Center -- Ski-O & Snowshoe-O

The Breckenridge event will depend on: (a) permission from the Nordic Center
staff, and (b) creation of a new map (Sherry envisions a USGS base map with a
trail map overlaid).

***ACTION ITEM: Sherry will send out a draft event schedule for 2006.***
***ACTION ITEM: Contact Sherry if you'd like to help create the Breckenridge
Nordic Center map by skiing the trails, marking waypoints with a GPS
receiver, etc.***

K. Club Reference Materials:

Mark Hendrickson suggested that more reference materials should be available
on the RMOC website for Meet Directors, Course Setters, and other club
officers: processes, policies, templates, etc. ***ACTION ITEM: Brooke will
collect this information and add it to the RMOC website.***

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