* Sherry provided updates on USFS permit negotiations in various areas.
* Sherry would like Mil Plant to start sending out a New Member Kit whenever someone joins RMOC. We agreed that the New Member Kit should include: a welcome letter, a copy of our schedule/flier (which includes the website URL and club contacts), and the person's membership term/expiration date.
* The Chatauqua Scout event last weekend was a big success. Sherry reported that approximately 400 to 500 Scout leaders were in attendance, many of whom visited the RMOC table and picked up our 2006 flier. Brian Coleman taught a 90-minute class and then took the students out to try a beginner course on a map he had created. In general, there was lots of enthusiasm and interest; both Brian and Sherry have received several follow-up phone calls.
Adam proposed a group membership for Scout Troops or even regional Scout Councils. Sherry commented that our new bylaws do allow for this. Brian will talk to his Scout contacts about including our 2006 flier in an upcoming Scout newsletter.
* Sherry met with the Director at Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch. She would like to propose a USOF convention at this location for August 2007.
* Permit applications for most of our 2006 meets are in the works. JeffCo denied our request for a Bike-O at White Ranch. With regard to permits in the Colorado Springs area: Sverre will follow-up on the permit for Fox Run, and Bob Ward has already applied for a Palmer Park permit.
* Sverre has requested a copy of the USOF Insurance Certificate, for any meets that will require it.
* Brooke is continuing to work on the RMOC website upgrade. Brooke also hopes to have the mapping project spreadsheet updated and posted today.
* Monument Preserve and Chatfield: Bob Ward and Alex Thomas are planning to have these areas ready in time for their respective meets in Fall 2006. Sverre emphasized the importance of contacting Chatfield Ranger Jim Smith before any meets are scheduled there.
* Gold Run: Alex Thomas had difficulty synching the GPS data with downloaded contour data. Brian Coleman offered to consult on technical issues such as map projections, OCAD intricacies, etc.
* Our contact at Devil's Thumb Ranch would like us to proceed with mapping, although he still needs to get this officially OK'd by his General Manager.
* Sherry sent a Saylor Park location map to the USFS so they can determine if there are any "show stoppers" that would preclude us from mapping and using this area.
* We need someone to GPS the trails at Eldora.
* Sharon Crawford and Dave Wilcox have agreed to GPS the trails at Breckenridge Nordic Center.
* Christoph Zurcher is doing the Cherry Creek field work. He anticipates being done in time for our meet on 4/30/2006. He'll also be working on BCLP updates.
Sverre mentioned that the Cherry Creek Ranger wants us to avoid certain wetlands areas. The Ranger will specify the areas of concern when Sverre picks up the permit. Sverre will relay the information to Sherry and Mark Hendrickson (Course Setter). Adam Feerst requested that we also avoid the off-leash dog park area.
* Sherry will re-schedule her meeting with the Buffalo Creek ranger to discuss access & permit issues. Our Buffalo Creek Mini-ROGAINE will definitely be permit-less (i.e., members only, no entry fee, limit of 75 participants).
* JP Ingebrigtsen found a source for aerial photos of Golden Gate State Park.
* Since Camp Patiya is adjacent to Myers Gulch, Gordon McCurry asked Brian Coleman to pursue official access approval from his Scout contacts. Brian agreed to do so.
* We agreed it would be a good idea to implement the online pre- registration system for all meets in 2006, to give Course Setters and Meet Directors a better idea of how many attendees to expect at each event and how many maps to print.
* Brian proposed that we should print some of our fliers in color, to be more eye-catching. We'll need someone to get price quotes for this so we can decide how many to print.
* Adam reminded us of his idea to teach an orienteering-specific seminar at REI next Spring. Meanwhile, we should give out our fliers at REI's regular Map and Compass seminars. Also, Brian is giving a batch of fliers to his contacts at USGS.
* FYI -- the unofficial USFS permit request deadline is February 15 each year for new areas, and March 15 each year for existing areas (i.e., areas we've used in the past).
* Sherry's USFS meeting about Round Mountain and Blue Mountain access went well. The next step is for Sherry to summarize her discussions with the USFS in a letter. Steve Willman will work with the USFS to establish an accurate Hayman burn-area boundary for our meet at Lake George.
* Sherry would like to order some RMOC business cards. The expense will be minimal (less than $20).
* Sherry had five attendees at the recent Course Setting workshop.
* The Mapping Workshop is being postponed 'til sometime this Fall, probably in September after the 1000-Day meet. Sherry would like to use the Peaceful Valley area for a two-day mapping workshop.
* Adam Feerst suggested that ww should add a Bike-O at the Frisco meet. Sherry agreed.